Monday 26 March 2012

I am sitting outside, the breeze is blowing. It's getting darker earlier here now. Class was intense today. I have so many thoughts and questions running in my head. Questions that I could so easily let slip out of my mind. If I just ignore the hard ones then I will forget. Then I can live normally. Except that is not what I truly want, but it's sure tempting.

The speaker raised questions like: are you willing to give up your health to go to some places to reach people for Jesus? Your rights? Your right to privacy? Your right to safety? Your right to comfort?

I'm going to go make a cup of tea.

Sunday 18 March 2012

Well, we set up this blog to write our thoughts and rambles... 
We are here in Cape Town, South Africa doing a 6 month program called CPx. To be more specific we are in "the valley" in a suburb of Cape Town called Noordhoek. It's funny, transitioning from one gorgeous valley in Oregon to here. Both are incredibly beautiful. Today we hiked up Chapman's Peak, which overlooks the Atlantic Ocean, but you can also see the Indian Ocean as well. I feel like the sun and sea have me thinking a lot. Questions floating in my head seem big and could alter the course of our life and what we pursue after this. One challenge Floyd had this week in class was for us to figure out who we are going to focus on reaching. He drew a circle and divided it into three parts: the unreached & unengaged people who have never heard of Jesus, the people that have heard but do not believe or have left the church, and the churched/believers. Vision and focus is so important.